Key Purpose: To inform people that there are new discoveries being made that may help resolve the problem of fuel today.
Key Ideas:
- A bacteria that has pili will be able to help fuel burn more efficiently
- Pili are structures on bacteria that help move electrons to transfer power
- Pili act as electrical conductors
- Bacteria is a strain of Geobacter sulfurreducens
- This fuel will act as a microbial fuel
- This fuel might be of use when a car battery is dead (acts as back-up power) or for robots
This subject is very interesting to me for one large reason, I will be driving soon. Since I will be a driver, gas and fuel is something I need to think about. Living about an hour from school will end up causing constant trips to the gas station. I'm not sure I will be able to afford the gasoline if the prices get any higher. So with this news, I am interested where this will lead. I am really interested in the biofuel and microbial fuel mentioned in the article. Both of these fuels might be the solution that I, and many other new drivers may be looking for. I hope that soon scientists will be able to industrialize this process and make these alternative fuels the primary fuels. Like I said above, I cannot wait to see where this goes and how it will affect the automotive world.
"Harnessing Bacteria To Make Fuel Cells More Efficient." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 19 May 2010.
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