Key Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform people about the production and the controversy about a new genetic tester that will be made available to all people.
Key Ideas:
- Scientists at Pathway Geonomics have created a genetic test that anybody can buy
- This genetical analysis will show risk factors of different hereditary diseases such as alzhiemers and diabetes
- This genetic test will also be able to predict people's sensitivity to caffine, medicines, and other chemicals that can effect the body
- It can also show the possibilities of a person's offspring developing mutations or other problems before birth
- The test is a saliva sample which will cost $20-$30 dollars for the saliva sample kit and $79 - $179 dollars for the actual results
- FDA is questioning the legality of it becuase it has not been an approved test
- People say that this can cause parents to terminate a pregnancy
I have heard about genetic tests before, but I never realized what they did. After reading this article I found out exactly what the test does. I think that this is something that everybody should do. However, I also believe in what Hank Greely said, "information is powerful, but misunderstood information can be powerfully bad." But, I feel that this is information that people would want to have to protect themselves and the ones they love. Many critics say that this can lead to the termination of a unborn baby. This is a controversial topic, but I think different situations will require a different outcome. For example, I think that if a baby will be born with a mutation that will not enable he/she to have a healthy and happy lifestyle, I am not sure if it is fair to the baby to bear it. But, because of the test you might be able to find a mutation in the baby, still have the baby but prepare yourself for the outcome. I believe overall that this test will be able to save lives and help people have a healthier lifestyle for that individual person. In conclusion, I hope to see this test on the market and help many people in the world.
"Genetic Testing Kit to Hit Drugstore Shelves - AOL News." Top News and Analysis From AOL News. Web. 12 May 2010.
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