"Immune Protein Fends Off Exotic Virus"

Key Purpose: To show the recent discovery of a protein that will protect people from a certain virus.

Key Ideas:
  • Antiviral proteins fend off viruses
  • The main virus that it will eradicate is the Chikungunya virus
  • This virus has caused an epidemic in Southeast Asia
  • The virus causes joint pain and high fever
  • The effectiveness of the proteins produced from the immune cells can be used to control the outbreak of the Chikugunya virus
Key Conclusion:
After reading this story, I am really interested what might be in our body that we have no idea about. It is possible that inside our cells we have the power of curing our own diseases. This could be the common cold or something large like A.I.D.S. I think that more research into our body and what we are made of might be fantastic for finding cures and creating medicine. We wouldn't have to look at outside resources to find cures; every person might have it inside them. If we can find this out, many people in countries that do not have proper medical attention for their citizens could save many lives. I think we have just started t see these things and experiment with them. I am really interested in viruses and bacteria. When I was ten, I wanted to be an infectious disease doctor. Now that we are discussing this in biology, I am enjoying the class even more. To me it is very interesting to study something that might be the end to all humans, or something that might be able to help the world.

"Immune Protein Fends off Exotic Virus." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 19 May 2010. .


"CIC bioGUNE researchers embark on work to control the prion epidemic affecting deer in the USA "

Key Purpose: This article explains the research that has started in Europe

Key Ideas:
  • Scientists have found a way to control the stability of prions
  • Prions are responsible for the spread of scrapies and Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy
  • These diseases are spreading all around the world causing scientists at CIC bioGUNE to start research to control the spread of these diseases
  • The scientist's main goal is finding and controlling the spread of mad cow disease
  • Another goal of the scientists is to stop the spread of a prion that can infect deer. This disease is spreading at an alarming rate
Key Conclusion:
After reading this article, I was really interested to see where this research might lead. After doing several articles, I found that sometimes the greatest discoveries are made by accident. If the scientists in Europe were able to find a gene that would be able to control the deer prions, the gene might be able to affect the prions in cattle. On the other hand, the scientists are also researching mad cow disease so there might be a discovery from that research that may be able to unlock clues about the prions in deer and even the prions in sheep and goats. I am very interested to see what changes and what discoveries will be made in the future from this lab.

"News - CIC BioGUNE Researchers Embark on Work to Control the Prion Epidemic Affecting Deer in the USA." Basqueresearch.com. Web. 20 May 2010. .


"Stem Cells Made From Developing Sperm"

Key Purpose: To show the recent discoveries about stem cells that might change how all people view stem cells.

Key Ideas:
  • Scientists at John Hopinks have analyzed and found the key molecular parts that occur when a stem cell changes into a specialized cell
  • Many scientists believed that differentiation could be reversed but many were unsure how to do it
  • With an experiment with fruit flies, scientists at John Hopkins found that using two certain proteins, they could revert the sperm cells back to stem cell
  • By reducing the “Jak and STAT” proteins, scientists were able to produce more stem cells
  • Scientists are eager to find out whether this change is the reversal of the process of becoming a stem cell, or some new process
Key Conclusion:
This story is really interesting to me for one certain reason: What happens next? The possibilities that could come of this discovery could be endless. The fact the humans might be able to reverse cell functions is incredible. So many diseases and viruses could be cured. Also even aging could be “cured” as well. Also with these possibilities, stem cell research could be stretched to new lengths. These opportunities would arise for one specific reason. Many of the issues of stem cell research, abortion, would be resolved without the need for the aborted fetus. This will allow for the progress of stem cell research that could help many people. I believe that stem cell research is valuable and will be able to save lives, on the other hand, I do not advocate the killing of babies. These are my thoughts on stem cell research, and I believe it is a subject to keep working on that will help many people.

"Stem Cells Made From Developing Sperm." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 19 May 2010. .


"Harnessing Bacteria To Make Fuel Cells More Efficient"

Key Purpose: To inform people that there are new discoveries being made that may help resolve the problem of fuel today.

Key Ideas:
  • A bacteria that has pili will be able to help fuel burn more efficiently
  • Pili are structures on bacteria that help move electrons to transfer power
  • Pili act as electrical conductors
  • Bacteria is a strain of Geobacter sulfurreducens
  • This fuel will act as a microbial fuel
  • This fuel might be of use when a car battery is dead (acts as back-up power) or for robots
Key Conclusion:
This subject is very interesting to me for one large reason, I will be driving soon. Since I will be a driver, gas and fuel is something I need to think about. Living about an hour from school will end up causing constant trips to the gas station. I'm not sure I will be able to afford the gasoline if the prices get any higher. So with this news, I am interested where this will lead. I am really interested in the biofuel and microbial fuel mentioned in the article. Both of these fuels might be the solution that I, and many other new drivers may be looking for. I hope that soon scientists will be able to industrialize this process and make these alternative fuels the primary fuels. Like I said above, I cannot wait to see where this goes and how it will affect the automotive world.

"Harnessing Bacteria To Make Fuel Cells More Efficient." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 19 May 2010. .


Expert Asssesment - "Obama Lifts Bush's Strict Limit on Stem Cell Research"

Part I: Expert Assessment
"Obama Lifts Bush’s Strict Limits on Stem Cell Research." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 18 May 2010. .

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the public about the new easement of the rules and restrictions regarding stem cell research. This article is shows the views of both the president and the view of the politicians surrounding him. This article explains the potential of stem cell research and the drawbacks that will arise if "the research" is continued.

Key Information:
  • President Obama made the decision to continue stem cell research
  • Stem cells are harvested from embryos aborted from a female's womb.
  • Harvesting stem cells ultimately "kills" the embryo
  • In the act of continuing stem cell research, President Obama made it clear that there will not be human cloning
  • President Obama feels that "guidelines and strict oversight the perils can be avoided.”
  • Stem cells will be able to cure many disease that cannot be cured today: Parkinson's, diabetes, heart disease etc.
  • Limitations on research in America can spur other countries to work on stem cell research (in this case, Britain.)
Key Conclusion:
The controversy surrounding stem cell research is very heated. A person will either firmly believe that this research will help people, or a person will believe that this is murder. The fact that deciding whether abortion is murder is the gray area in this case. The fact that stem cells will be able to cure cataclysmal disease is something that needs to be taken into account. This will be able to save and improve many patients lives. There is a misconception that stem cells only come from aborted fetuses, however, there are other parts from a baby that doctors would be able to harvest stem cells without harming the child. I feel that this misconception makes the controversy much more extreme. On the contrary, abortion and the process of harvesting stem cells are looked down upon by very many people, including the Catholic Church. They view abortion as murder. There is more controversy about the specific time and period when a fetus becomes a child, but that is a different discussion. The fact that many people are opposed to stem cell research because of the method restricts the continuing research, but now the door as been opened...at least cracked with the Obama Administration's take on stem cell research. Now, all we can do is wait for either a discovery, a change of heart, a extreme situation to tip the controversy to one side, and I feel that with this news, the outcome will come soon.

Course Preparation:
Obviously the stem cell unit of this course is what really prepared me for understanding this article. This unit really helped me understand even though the unit was a bit shorter than the others. Also the current reproduction unit has helped me understand this article because of the knowledge of how pregnancy works and the functions that take place during pregnancy. Without the knowledge of blastocysts and also the clarification of misconceptions from television and movies, I would not have understood the article as well as I did.

People Involved (Referenced):
  • Barack Obama
  • Obama Administration
  • Bush Administration
  • Congress
  • Representative Christopher Smith of New Jersey
  • Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts
  • Senator John Kerry
Type of Article:
This article was a report on a topic currently under review by the courts, legislature, and President. As you can see from the list of people involved, many are from the House of Representatives, Senators, or Presidents. This article can also be classified as research development because the opportunities that can arise from the easement of the strict laws on stem cell research.

Part II: Background Research

"Stem Cell Basics: Introduction [Stem Cell Information]." NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. Web. 18 May 2010. .

About this article:

When looking for sources, I found the one that would give me the most information and the least opinion I could find. The Natural Institute of Health was the best site I could find. After reading, I really felt like I reviewed most of the information we have covered in class. The fact that stem cells are unspecified cells that can change to become many types of cells, muscle cells, brain cells, and blood cells. I found that not only can stem cells be found in embryonic stem cells but also in somatic stem cells, corresponding with my previous misconception: stem cells only come from aborted fetuses. I also found information about the two different types of cell therapies used with stem cells: Replacement therapy and reparative therapy. I also found more information about inner blastocyst
, cells that will form the vital organs of the body, and the body itself. After reading I also found that stem cells are in adults bodies that are used to repair injuries and disease. This is the overall information that I have found after reading the Natural Institute of Health's stem cell information.


"Public Opinion About Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning -- Nisbet 68 (1): 131 -- Public Opinion Quarterly." Oxford Journals | Social Sciences | Public Opinion Quarterly. Web. 18 May 2010. .

About this article:
Unlike the last article, I chose to research the public opinion about stem cell research. After reading I found out some very interesting things. First, many people, even today, are unaware of stem cell research and what it is. Secondly, I found that the increasing publicity of stem cell research is not only making people more aware, but also creating people come to extreme conclusions about the research. Finding this out, I fell that many of the opinion pieces can be wrong because of the bias written by people who do not fully understand the issue.

"Human Stem Cell Research." ReligiousTolerance.org by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Web. 18 May 2010. .

About this Article:
I chose this article specifically because it was from a religious tolerance site. I wanted to find an article that would express the opinion of those opposed to stem cell research. I found useful information through this website. I found that 72% of Christians agree that stem cells should be banned. I found that Britain has already approved stem cell research. I also found that, like my last article, not many people are informed about the subject, and many republicans oppose stem cell research. This site gave me some information about the Christian side of the controversy of stem cells.

Part III: Analysis of Potential Bias
  • Bias through selection or omission: I thought this article did show a balance between those opposed to stem cell research and those supporting it, but overall I felt as if this article was meant to show this as an opportunity for scientific growth.
  • Bias through placement: This article was placed on the first page of Google when searching for "Obama stem cells" This, however, I do not think is bias, the New York Times is a very popular newspaper, and I feel that this was an appropriate spot for an article from the NY times
  • Bias by Headline: There was some bias in the headline: "Obama Lifts Bush's Strict Limit on Stem Cell Research." The word that stood out was "strict." In this case, Obama was made to sound like a liberator, lifting the strict limit, not the limits, the strict limit.
  • Bias through photos, captions, and camera angles: There were no pictures or captions associated with this article
  • Bias through names and titles: I don't feel like there was bias through names because each side was equally represented in the article
  • Bias through statistics and crowd counts: There were no statistics given in this article
  • Bias by source control: There was no bias in sources, each were a political representative that believed in one side or the other
  • Bias through word choice and tone: I felt that the tone and word choice of the article was very strong, but for both sides. Each had a extreme side to it, and I felt that the author was able to balance the story in a way the reader would be able to judge for his/her self.
Works Cited:

"Human Stem Cell Research." ReligiousTolerance.org by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Web. 18 May 2010. .

"Obama Lifts Bush’s Strict Limits on Stem Cell Research." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 18 May 2010. .

"Public Opinion About Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning -- Nisbet 68 (1): 131 -- Public Opinion Quarterly." Oxford Journals | Social Sciences | Public Opinion Quarterly. Web. 18 May 2010. .

"Stem Cell Basics: Introduction [Stem Cell Information]." NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. Web. 18 May 2010. .

"Insect May Make Moves to Survive the Harvest"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to alert farmers and all people about a new behavior of certain pests to avoid destruction during harvests.

Key Ideas:
  • Both species of caterpillar (O. scapulalis and Ostrinia nubilalis) are pests in places where corn is grown
  • O. nubilalis burrows itself inside corn and eats the corn during spring, while O. Scapulalis burrows itself in a weed called mug wort
  • Both of these species have developed a behavior: when farmers harvest corn (summer), the caterpillars will sink to the bottom of the stalk to create their cocoon, and avoid being cut during the harvest
  • This behavior is called geotaxis
  • Harvesting has acted as a selective pressure for the caterpillar and is causing it to evolve to avoid being harvested with the corn
Key Conclusion:
The first statement of this article really popped out at me, "One thing about evolution — you never know what’s going to influence it." This statement is very true. From my past conclusions in some articles, this statement has summed it up. There are many things that humans are doing that are causing other organisms to change, for this example, it is the process of harvesting corn. After thinking about it, everything we do, every day will make a difference. While it is somewhat scary to think about, it is the only way life could exist on this planet. Earth is a hostile planet, but because humans and other organisms are able to adapt, we are able to survive. I think this article is just another point on the significance that we humans have on the world, some that we may not know about.

Fountain, Henry. "Observatory - Insect May Make Moves to Survive the Harvest - NYTimes.com." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 17 May 2010. .


"Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to alert people of the recently approved GMOs for human consumption

Key Ideas:
  • Monsanto has had 3 GMOs approved for public
  • The only tests have been done on rats, there have been no human trials
  • The three GMOs are Mon 810, Mon 863, and NK 603
  • The crops have produced side effects that are able to harm the kidneys, lungs, and heart.
  • Governments of the United States and other countries ignored the lack of test results and allowed the production in their countries.
Key Conclusion:
This article made me a little scared. The fact that this big of a problem from GMOs was approved without rigorous testing is frightening. For a GMO to become approved, it must be tested on at least three mammalian species, but these three were only tested on rats. Because of lack of testing, many people will now be eating GMOs that will ultimately cause problems to their vital organs. Even if Monsanto would approve the GMOs, I would think the government would investigate and make sure the proper testing has taken place, but apparently not. This is not just a problem in the U.S. Many other countries have also approved the three GMOs that will could be dangerous to humans. This could only be a start of the problems that will arise as more and more GMOs are produced. Hopefully it will not take many of these mistakes for the government to change its testing process and approval process to keep citizens safe.

"Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. Web. 16 May 2010. .

"Mountian Gorrillas Nearly Extinct"

Key Ideas:
  • Gorillas in the jungles bordering Uganda, the Congo, and Rwanda are at risk of extinction
  • The way that many people want to protect the gorillas by having all three countries together
  • The three countries would agree to protect the gorillas by preserving the gorillas' natural habitat
  • The gorillas are a large part of the ecosystem of the habitat in all three countries
  • Gorillas have brought tourism to this part of Africa
Key Conclusion:
Watching this video, I really thought about much more than gorillas. I realized however small any organism is, there is a reason for that organism. I think this is why the scientists in Africa want to save these gorillas. These gorillas are a large help to the region. They help with the erosion of the area, they are used for their genes, and even tourism. But there are some problems with the gorillas. The fact that their habitat will be protected will cause farmers to lose some of their farm land, and produce less income. This has become a problem because Africa is already a poor continent and with less farmland, problems may occur.

"Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com." CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 15 May 2010. .

"Cloned Crops Closer To Being Realized"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to show people the growing possibilites of cloning crops

Key Ideas:
  • With Clonal Reproduction farmers and others do not have to gamble on sexual reproduction
  • Work from scientists in France and Austria has made it possible for the creation of stable new mutant crops.
  • With clonal reproduction farmers can clone their most successful livestock and crops.
  • This process occurs when scientists change the process of mitosis to meiosis in the organism's cells.
  • The process above can also minimize the chance of genetic diversity.
Key Conclusion:
I am really interested what may be possible with the concept of cloning, something that I would like to see continued. There are two main problems. First, the Catholic Church frowns upon the concept. The church believes that we are tampering with God’s creation. I think that God gave us this gift to learn to enhance the world. By cloning plants, scientists could help millions of people with world hunger. The second problem is that we are just not there yet. It will probably take many years to be able to clone something. I feel this way about astronomy. Everything is out there but we are not technological enough to explore it, as much as I would want to. Everything that is a part of science is mystery, this is what frustrates me, but also what makes me love it.
"Cloned Crops Closer To Being Realized." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 15 May 2010. .


"Could Pandas Be an Evolutionary Mistake—or Proof of an Intelligent Designer?"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explain the evidence of evolutionary flaws.

Key Ideas
  • People believe that pandas are a sign that God created the world
  • They believe that the panda is a sign from God because it does not have the “attitudes to try to survive, to diet, reproduce, etc.
  • The panda unlike other bears is a vegetarian that prefers less nutrition than it needs.
  • Males do not instinctively know how to reproduce
Key Conclusion:
This story seems, to me, somewhat odd, just because of the connection that was made between God and pandas. I would agree that the attitudes of the pandas are weird but it doesn’t seem all that different than some humans. I chose this story in particular because the whole God vs. Evolution battle interests me. On that matter, I believe that evolution can be an answer to how instead of why. This is definitely an interesting topic but sometimes I feel that people are desperately trying to prove the other party wrong. From this story, I feel that this is almost a desperate attempt to bring together an animal and God, showing that God is in evolution. I am not saying that the article is wrong in saying the panda’s connected to God, but it doesn’t seem like a well thought out theory. The traits of the panda are indeed not pointed toward survival, but I don’t think that God would create an animal, just to disprove evolution. These are my thoughts about this article.

"Could Pandas Be an Evolutionary Mistake—or Proof of an Intelligent Designer? | Evolution | DISCOVER Magazine." Science and Technology News, Science Articles | Discover Magazine. Web. 15 May 2010. .


"Embryo screening fuels debate in Britain"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to alert people of the growing controversy and potential of "designer babies."

Key Ideas:
  • Controversy has started in England about genetic testing for unborn babies
  • These tests will be able to calculate the risk of early infancy disease and also adult disease possibilities in the child
  • This certain baby girl was tested for the BRCA-1 gene: breast cancer gene
  • Scientists and people in London have claimed this to be unethical because scientist are designing babies
  • The same technology is being used in in vitro fertilization; scientists will inject embryos without any mutations that will allow for disease
  • The procedure costs $50,000 dollars; many people will not be able to afford it
Key Conclusion:
After reading this article, I am stuck. I felt that the genetic testing would be able to help many people. But after I analyzed both sides, I feel that this could become a problem. The only reasons we are here, and the only reason we are different from primates is because of heritable variation and mutations. By removing the possibility to mutate, we are somewhat removing our possibility to grow and change as a species. Cancer is a definite threat, but I think that nature keeps everything in check and by majorly altering humans, we can cause problems. I think that many things need to be researched and decided before scientists start to alter babies to keep them healthy. I would like to see where this goes, but I fear that this may become dangerous.

Godlasky, Anne. "Embryo Screening Fuels Debate in Britain - USATODAY.com." News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USATODAY.com. Web. 15 May 2010. .


"37 Million Years Ago, an Evolutionary Oddity"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to introduce a newly found species of primates.

Key Ideas:
  • Scientists have found a new set of teeth belonging to an uknown primate
  • Scientists have found the teeth and hopefully will find a skeleton in northern Africa
  • Scientists often classify old animals from their teeth because teeth often fossilize and preserve longer than other bones
  • The primate does not match any other on the tree of life
  • Scientists have other species of primate to classify this one with
Key Conclusion:
Reading this article made me realize something. There is so much more to discover that will change everything we know about evolution. With this one discovery we have found a primate that may ultimately change our evolutionary line. I think that as technology becomes more advanced, we will be able to uncover more and more about where we came from. With better drills and more tools to uncover fossils there will be discoveries that will change the world. Right now, all we can do is wait and follow the discoveries made now. I really am interested to see if they find more parts of this primate and see what changes it will make.

"FOXNews.com - 37 Million Years Ago, an Evolutionary Oddity." Breaking News | Latest News | Current News - FOXNews.com. Web. 15 May 2010. .


"Genetic Testing Kit to Hit Drugstore Shelves"

Key Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform people about the production and the controversy about a new genetic tester that will be made available to all people.

Key Ideas:
  • Scientists at Pathway Geonomics have created a genetic test that anybody can buy
  • This genetical analysis will show risk factors of different hereditary diseases such as alzhiemers and diabetes
  • This genetic test will also be able to predict people's sensitivity to caffine, medicines, and other chemicals that can effect the body
  • It can also show the possibilities of a person's offspring developing mutations or other problems before birth
  • The test is a saliva sample which will cost $20-$30 dollars for the saliva sample kit and $79 - $179 dollars for the actual results
  • FDA is questioning the legality of it becuase it has not been an approved test
  • People say that this can cause parents to terminate a pregnancy
Key Conclusion:
I have heard about genetic tests before, but I never realized what they did. After reading this article I found out exactly what the test does. I think that this is something that everybody should do. However, I also believe in what Hank Greely said, "information is powerful, but misunderstood information can be powerfully bad." But, I feel that this is information that people would want to have to protect themselves and the ones they love. Many critics say that this can lead to the termination of a unborn baby. This is a controversial topic, but I think different situations will require a different outcome. For example, I think that if a baby will be born with a mutation that will not enable he/she to have a healthy and happy lifestyle, I am not sure if it is fair to the baby to bear it. But, because of the test you might be able to find a mutation in the baby, still have the baby but prepare yourself for the outcome. I believe overall that this test will be able to save lives and help people have a healthier lifestyle for that individual person. In conclusion, I hope to see this test on the market and help many people in the world.

"Genetic Testing Kit to Hit Drugstore Shelves - AOL News." Top News and Analysis From AOL News. Web. 12 May 2010. .


"Mosquitoes May Inherit DEET Insensitivity"

Key Purpose: The purpose of this article is to alert people that mosquitoes have developed an insensitivity to DEET.

Key Ideas:
  • DEET is used in most bugs sprays because it blocks the scent of human sweat, something that mosquitos and other insects are attracted to
  • Mosquito's have developed an ability to not be able to sense the DEET, therefore they are able to detect human sweat without any obstacles
  • This trait mosquitos have developed has become genetic, more and more mosquitos are now able to feast on human blood
  • Each generation is growing DEET insensitive faster than all scientists thought
  • Scientists don't have an alternative to DEET to prevent mosquitos from biting humans
Key Conclusions:
This can be a very large problem for many people. For two specific reasons: I hate mosquitos and mosquito bites, and many people may die because of this. Mosquito bites are annoying, they are something that can ruin a camping trip, a downside to summer evenings, and something that will bother you for weeks. Now that there might not be a repellent, there will be even more mosquitos biting your legs around the campfire. But, more importantly, an absence of mosquito repellent many people will be infected with the diseases that mosquitos can carry. There could be an outbreak of malaria because of the growth of population, more people will be infected. This could be a very devastating thing because scientists have not been able to discover anything that will deter mosquitos from human blood. So hopefully there will be a discovery before all mosquitos become immune to DEET and be able to keep many people safe.

Weise, Elizabeth. "Mosquitoes May Inherit DEET Insensitivity - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com." News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USATODAY.com. Web. 05 May 2010. .
